Community Services Unlimited : Serving The People Body and Soul Serving The People Body and Soul Wed, 04 Nov 2020 21:05:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214926275 #Black Lives Matter #Defund the Police #Let’s Get Free! Wed, 04 Nov 2020 21:03:25 +0000 The history of violent oppression of Black people in the United States of America is embedded within its systems: they cannot be reformed to make them better, but must be dismantled, re-imagined and re-built. The treatment of Black bodies is the epitome of the white supremacy that this country was founded on and continues to perpetrate. George Floyd’s murder sparked a movement because all oppressed people and all decent human beings rage against the blood chilling nonchalance with which Black life is ended by police officers, with little or no consequence for the murderers. Black Lives Matter is a clarion call to action which implicitly represents a challenge to the political and economic structure that is the United States of America. These three simple words embody the collective grief, anger and frustration that has grown to a tipping point all over the US as the now 16 days plus of actions all over the country demonstrate.


As thousands of families who have suffered trauma at the hands of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents can attest, state sanctioned violence isn’t limited to the police force. The murder and mayhem perpetrated by armed bodies representing the state in this country, is not limited to Black people, but stopping IT, is key to building a more just world for us all. Black Lives Matter resonates because within this very proclamation lives the reality that change is possible. The demand to Defund the Police has gripped our imaginations because we are collectively tired of our tax dollars funding repression, violence and murder.


This movement has become a beacon to oppressed people all over the world who have marched in solidarity with Black people in the USA, and to protest similar cases of police killings and repression in their own countries. It is truly inspiring to see the solidarity from people themselves struggling against the chokehold of oppression. In the numerous murders of Black people by cops, native peoples of the land that is now the USA, after white colonizers violently “settled” it, see reflections of their own history and current reality. Native Americans are the only group of people in the US more likely to be killed by cops than Black people. Palestinians, who were the first to send messages of solidarity to Ferguson have mourned the killing of George Floyd even as they deal with the ongoing slaughter of their people by the Israeli state. It is no accident that the Zionist Israel lobby groups see Black Lives Matter as a threat to their efforts to split the progressive movement in the USA on the issue of Palestine. One of these groups specifically cited the growing move toward intersectionality in progressive movements in the USA as a problem.


Just as we connect the global dots, we see the holistic nature of our work and of the struggle for freedom. The mainstream food system oppresses working people at every single activity point, is adding to the destruction of our planet and continues to create diet related crises in our communities. It doesn’t do it with a bullet or a knee, but it is slowly sickening and killing people. And like every other system in this racist society its harmful impacts are imposed most heavily on Black and Brown bodies. Building alternative food systems that provide affordable, culturally relevant, nourishing and exploitation free food is a critical component of building a new world. CSU is proud to do this work with multiple partners and supporters and as part of a food justice movement.


The novel corona virus has amplified with stark clarity the failures of the current food system (health care and more) and has created a renewed interest in food justice work. CSU’s work is built on the legacy of our founders who understood the importance of all aspects of building a movement. They fed free breakfast to children, ran free community health clinics, created freedom schools and fought tooth and nail to challenge state violence against Black people. As Angela Davis has said the current movement is a “further expansion of popular consciousness. It is up to us to do the work, keep the ideas alive and keep the possibility of freedom alive. Freedom is a constant struggle”

Brother Boko Tue, 22 Sep 2020 22:42:12 +0000 I met Boko Abar the very first time I came to Los Angeles in 1994. During my short visit to the city I was invited to attend a meeting of the recently formed New African American Vanguard Movement (NAAVM). I was officially a representative of the Panther organization in the United Kingdom and as I dialogued with the NAAVM brothers and sisters we felt an immediate affinity in the work we were doing on both sides of the Atlantic. Boko was one of the people at that  meeting and I was quickly struck by his deep commitment to the work he began when he first joined the Black Panther Party many years before.

As I began to volunteer with the NAAVM in Los Angeles Boko was one of the people I worked alongside. I was new to LA and had moved to the city with two young children. I will never forget how incredibly kind Boko was, he accepted me for who I was with a curiosity and openness that made for an easy and genuine friendship. I was with my daughter Sarika when I got news that Boko had passed. She was still quite young when he eventually moved away from Los Angeles but had spent time as a youngster with him and his then partner, Kizzy. Sarika told me “the thing I most remember about Boko is that he was always really gentle and calm”. My son on the other hand was a ten year old when we moved to LA and has many fond memories of Boko. He spent time with Boko and his sons Germaine and Chioke into their teens. He told me “Even when Boko completely disagreed with someone he had a way of talking to them that was very gentle and compassionate. He was very dedicated to the movement, and he was one of those rare guys who genuinely never expected anything from anyone. In all the time I spent at his place with Germaine and Chioke, with all the things that teenage boys get up to – Boko was always such a very calm presence. In many years, I only ever heard him even raise his voice once.”

Article about Carl Hampton in the Black Panther Intercommunal News Service

One of the things Boko and I worked on together was the Black Panther Intercommunal News Service. In doing this work I learned so much from him, not so much about the technicality of laying out or producing the newspaper, but more about having patience, knowing when to let go and being gentle, mostly with oneself. It was hard to be around this extraordinary human being and not be infected by his dedication, compassion and humility. Anytime I ever tried to interview Boko about his movement building or about his art, he would always laugh gently and ask me if I could find something more worthwhile to do. I was delighted when he decided to hold the commemoration for his fallen comrade Carl Hampton and he wrote a lengthy piece about this important history for the Black Panther Intercommunal News Service. It was also wonderful that a full van load of us travelled from LA to Houston to join and support Boko for this wonderful celebration.

Brother Boko’s energy for the movement was unfaltering and was driven by his desire to serve, best described by the Indian word sevah, being in service to those in need with no desire for reward. Boko was an embodiment of revolutionary love for the people. He was one of the thousands of Black Panthers who were the life blood of the party’s deep connection to community, place and people. A largely unsung hero. And in all this Boko had the most marvelous sense of humor that often had me roaring with laughter. In all our years of work and friendship Boko was never less than forthright and sincere. He never took himself too seriously and never gave less than his most serious attention to others. Boko was part of a generation we are losing all too rapidly, thankfully he has left incredible art work expressed mostly in murals and a legacy of exemplary struggle to connect to and learn from.

Tender Heart
Gentle Soul
Resolute Yet, Open Mind

Black Panther
Uncompromising Revolutionary
Learned Yet, Ready to Learn

Loving Father
Committed Comrade
Proud Yet, Humility Personified

Sevah Driven
Fun Loving
Exceptional Yet, Everyday People

Eye Catching
Thought Provoking
Contemporary Yet, Historical Artist

Missed Light
Journey Onwards
Gone Yet, Always With Us

by Neelam Sharma – 07/20/20
